Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Homestudy is Completed!!

Well, since I have last posted we have celebrated Tyler's 27th birthday. We didn't do much on his birthday because I ended up working a little late, so we just went out to dinner together. On Friday though we ordered a pizza at our friend's house and watched a movie, then went out in the big town of Trinity, to Jack's for some ice cream! We had a good time, it was nice to just relax with some great friends. Even though I didn't get Tyler anything for his birthday, (he decided he wanted to wait until some video game he has been wanting comes out) he told me at dinner, that Agape sent him a present in the mail. I was kind of confused, and then he told me that the homestudy had come in!!! It's now official! We have been approved and cleared to parent a child! I called our placement agency and they told me they would review it and call me, so I am back to patiently waiting, which I am so much better at than a few years ago. I had some friends asking some questions about our next steps, they have always thought they would eventually adopt, and I explained how now that our homestudy is complete there will be a meeting with our new social worker, we will make a scrapbook to present to the birthmothers, and we will wait on a phone call that will change our lives forever. In the meantime, we will pray, and pray, and wait, and seek patience, guidance, strength, and discernment as we make tough decisions regarding the placement of the child GOD has chosen for us. I have thought many times that just because a mother choses us, although it seems as if we should just say yes, we must pray and seek God's wisdom as to if this is the child God has for us. I am just so grateful that God has changed my heart on adoption, and I can't wait to continue forward in this amazing journey to my baby!!

1 comment:

  1. I get so excited when I know another step is behind you guys!! I know how happy I was when our home study was complete! Cannot wait to meet this little miracle :)
