Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Session 2....Check!

So, we completed our homestudy yesterday morning prior to my surgery. I feel a sense of relief knowing that this part is over. We answered every question with honesty. Everything from "what do you fight about" "how do you manage finances" "what are your plans for discipline" and " "how does religion play a part in your lives?" Wow, so personal, they know it all now. Everything from our dollar amount in the bank, down to what a procrastinator Tyler is, and how I can be a little hot-headed at times. But, these are the necessary steps to receiving our child into our arms in the future, so it's totally worth it. Our social worker said it will be complete in the next couple of weeks and then we will be off to meet our new worker at A-Angel, and then hopefully on our way to a birthmother. I'm so excited and I just really feel special that God chose us to pursue adoption and that we get to be the ones to provide something for a very special child that may have otherwise never been chosen. I'm glad that adoption gives mothers who are considering abortion another option to be completely selfless and allow life into the world, and gives them peace knowing that someone is loving and praying for their child.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Session 1...check!

So, monday night we had our home visit with our social worker. She was super nice and it went so smoothly. Lots of questions were asked, everything from how we met, to how we fight, to who handles the money. We were honest and real, and didn't hold anything back. We had a few good laughs over some of our answers. I had, of course, cleaned my house, and got my fire extinguisher ready, checked the batteries in my fire alarms and she never even looked at those things. She walked through the house, said it was cute and that she liked my decorating, and that was about it! Now we can move on to the last session, which will be Monday, Feb. 7 at her office. I have surgery that day as well, but we are going to meet with her prior to me going to the hospital. Found out that I have a big cyst on my right ovary again, soooo gonna have it removed so I will quit hurting so much. After we meet with her on Monday, that should be our last session and the homestudy will be complete on our part!! She hopes to be finished with it all by the end of Februrary and then we will be moving on to A Angel in Helena to talk with them about the next steps. Every step we take gets us one step closer to the baby God has chosen for us! Yaaay!