Thursday, June 5, 2014

I will follow...kicking and screaming

Tyler's call into ministry several years ago has brought our family many good times, good friends, and heartache. Ministry is hard. No matter what anyone may tell you, it's hard, it hurts, and it just downright sucks sometimes. When Tyler was called into ministry, we talked to our pastor at the time, Michael Mason, and he told Tyler "if you can do anything else, I mean anything else, and be happy and have peace-DO IT" He knew firsthand how exhausting and heartbreaking ministry could be at times. However, doing the work that God has called you to do brings peace and joy-not happiness, but joy- that no other job could bring.

After serving at Mt. View we moved to Family Baptist Church in November 2012. Our time served at Family has been so difficult. Finding out Tyley has some pretty extreme medical issues, getting pregnant and having a baby who was in and out of the hospital for the first 2 months of his life, and being called to plant a church 9 hours away in North Carolina are just a few of the things God asked us to go through the past year and a half. Our church family was wonderful and supportive during our time there, but to be honest, there's not a single person who could really identify with what we were going through.

A change occurred in the direction of our ministry when Tyler felt that God was calling him to plant a church in Greensboro, North Carolina. He didn't even tell me at first what God was doing and stirring in his heart. He felt specifically that God wasn't just calling him to plant a church, but that he was calling him to plant a church in a specific city, nine hours away. As Tyler prayed about it and sought God's confirmation, more and more events occurred showing Tyler God was in it. As he prepared for his youth service one night, the leader of his worship group was preparing and getting the equipment ready. As Tyler sat in the back of the room, he thought "wouldn't it be cool to plant a church with this guy?!" He told me that as he thought that he immediately tried to "un-think" it. He was so concerned with not getting overly excited or ahead of himself and being sure that it was God leading him and not him leading him. As he told me this story a week later, he went on to say that after the service was over Zach, the worship leader, came up to him and said that he felt God was calling him to start something new, something fresh, and that he knew the place was North Carolina. Tyler was shocked, but didn't say a word to Zach in that moment. After telling me a week later, and praying over it, Tyler talked to Zach and he began to pray as well.

Over the next several weeks, I felt like I was slowly dying inside. Just thinking about moving was tearing my heart out. I love my home, my parents, my family, my friends, and to think about moving away from it all in the midst of my heartache over Tyley was just about too much. I was angry, bitter, confused, and hurt. I continued to pray that God would comfort me, show Tyler he was CRAZY ( I really did pray that!) and let us move on from this idea. But, he didn't. He instead placed a peace inside of me that I couldn't understand and I began to see him work out the details of my job-by allowing me a position to work from home and maintain our income, he gave a peace to my mom and dad who were really struggling with the idea of us leaving, and he gave us two sets of friends who were seriously praying about going as well. He didn't just come right out and speak to me, he didn't send a burning bush or a messenger, he didn't give me a word from the bible, it was just a quiet peace. Nothing big, nothing spectacular, nothing tangible. No one else could see it, there was no evidence pointing to it. That's what makes it faith. That's what makes it hard.

I finally told Tyler that I had not had any big revelation, that nothing had been spoken to me from God, but that I knew God appointed my him, as my husband & as the leader of our household and I trusted him and his vision from the Lord. That's all I had, and that's what I have been called to as his wife.  As I surrendered and stopped fighting, God showed me some amazing things. He showed me that he cared about the little things. He cared enough to work out the details of the things we prayed over. He cared enough to show me the about the opportunities in the medical community we would be moving to for Tyley. He cared enough to comfort me and bring me a peace that only He could do.

In the few days that followed, we started making plans to move. Those plans included Tyler talking to his pastor and letting him know of the desire and plan for his life. Family Baptist supported his decision as he stepped down as a youth pastor and transitioned into an associate role to allow him to focus on the steps necessary to planting a church. I talked with my company and they were supportive in allowing me the chance to work from home in North Caroline-where I could be home with my kids and still maintain our insurance and income. We told friends and family, as well as our entire church family. I started looking at houses and Tyler went on a weekend trip to visit the area. He also paid and attended classes with the ARC to begin the process.

We were ALL IN. We decided to give everything we had, in full submission, to our Lord. It was honestly the most freeing feeling ever. The fears and doubts eased up tremendously, and more than ever I felt at peace about giving God everything I had and holding nothing back-not my home, my job, my money, my family, my plans; nothing was off limits anymore. On a Sunday morning after this, we sang "I surrender all" and I looked at Tyler with tears in my eyes and said to him "we really do". It was amazing to see God take something so scary and uncertain and have him bring me peace and excitement about it.

The next few weeks that followed brought some changes to our lives again though, and God changed the desires of our hearts and our plans for our future.

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