Monday, June 9, 2014

Celebrating Gotcha Day!

Three years ago today we celebrated the arrival of our daughter. She was six days old when I held her for the first time. She was tiny, sleeping, and perfect. Dark hair, brown eyes, perfect skin, 10 tiny finger and tiny toes. We were in love the minute we saw her. We weren't expecting her though. We thought we would be on the waiting list for a year at least and only a little over a month had passed since we finalized our application. A woman chose us based on the "Dear Birth Mother" letter we wrote. She came in just two weeks before delivering and decided to place her unborn child for adoption and to give her to us. She said she didn't know she was pregnant until just that week. I have often wondered, if she knew the entire pregnancy that she was carrying a child, would she have aborted? Decided to keep the baby herself? Give the baby to someone she personally knows? I'm so glad for God's plan. I'm so glad she chose us but more importantly, that He chose us. 

Today, I think about all of those little things, I think about our birth mother and what she's thinking about today. I also think about other three year old children and what they are doing. It's so hard not to compare. It's so hard to hear other children talk, saying "momma" and "daddy" and "I love you". When I look into her eyes though, I know she loves me. I know she knows me. I know she thinks I'm awesome! I love this little curly haired, big brown eyed girl more than I ever could have imagined. I'm so thankful to be celebrating our Gotcha Day, even if we did celebrate it by going to Speech Therapy!

1 comment:

  1. Diane Wiley shared your blog with me....we have a three year old grandson who is behind developmentally so I understand the hurt of comparison. As you said, we know he loves us and we love him...the most important thing of all.
