Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Tyley Sue Jones

So, I'm a horrible blogger, haven't posted in a long time, but I have excellent excuses. Let me recap what's happened in the past 3 months. We got an offer on our house, got a call from the adoption agency, got our little girl 2 days later, moved into my grandmother's old house 2 weeks later, got the permit to build our new home,  and it's been a whirlwind since then! So now I will expand a little bit on the actual call from the agency!

We actually got a call on a Tuesday June 4 from Susan at our agency. She asked for us to come into the office on Thursday at 1 pm. I just said okay and hung up. Then I panicked because I had no idea why they were calling us in. I was going through every possible scenario. None of which included a baby! So, I thought, if there is a baby they will want me to bring the carseat, so I called back and asked if I should bring anything. They said no, just to come on in. Needless to say, the next two days were the longest ever. Thursday morning I actually worked until about 10:30, then we headed to Birmingham. Once we arrived at the agency(nearly 30 minutes early) we sat in the lobby waiting. Almost immediately we heard a baby crying. Tyler looked at me, and said "There IS a baby here". I replied "Yeah, but not OUR baby, there is no way, because we didn't bring a carseat!" So we waited a few more minutes, and Rick took us to his office. He asked about our house, our jobs, and all the while I was thinking, "is this really what they called us down here for?!" Then Rick told us there was a situation, a birth mother had come in, with no prenatal care and had already delivered a baby. At this point, he said and "the baby is already here". Still, not believing we would hold our baby in our arms that day, I said "Like here? Like the baby I hear crying kind of here???" Without speaking a word, our social worker walked in with the most beautiful baby girl I've ever laid eyes on. As I sit here and write this, I have tears coming to my eyes remembering the sight of my husband holding her for the first time. All he could say is "she's gorgeous, she's gorgeous, she's gorgeous!" Still in disbelief, and shock, I said " I didn't even bring a carseat!" I had so many things going through my head, but I can't remember now what they were! I was just so shocked, and still am sometimes!! We were at the agency about an hour or so longer, signed some paperwork, got some history on the birthmother, and they sent us home with a carseat and diaper bag with enough things to get through the night.

On the way home I sat in the backseat with Tyley Sue and just looked at her the whole way home. I of course called my mom, dad, nana, and Tyler called his family too .We sent immediate pictures of her out on our cell phones. When I called my mom and told her that I had Tyley Sue in the care with me she about fell apart on me. I was in a weird calm state through all of this, through all of the phone calls. My grandmother didn't believe me at first, I had to tell her 3 times before she believed it all. My mom and sister immediately went shopping for us, I told them I needed bows, lots of hairbows because she had a head full of hair! The hour and a half drive home seemed longer because I couldn't wait to get her out of the carseat and hold her again!

Once we arrived home, we had about 10 minutes of peace and quiet with her before our family started to arrive. Around 4:00 my parents came over, then his, then aunts and uncles, and friends. The last bit of company left around 11:00 that night. Our family and friends blessed us so much that day alone with gifts and neccessities that we didn't have yet. With my house filled with  boxes preparing to move, all of the added baby stuff and people about sent me over the edge with my OCD like behavior! The next day we continued to have more company coming over to share our joy with us. Later that afternoon, I had a few moments of quiet with just Tyler and Tyley Sue, it was that moment that a flood of emotion hit. I cried for the first time, and it wouldn't stop. I sobbed. I was so overwhelmed, so joyus, so scared, so unprepared, so happy, so many things all at once. I prayed, and was so unbelievably thankful for Tyley. My God had come through in an unimaginably good way. His timing was perfect, and I am so glad I had to wait. All of the tears and heart ache were suddenly sooooo worth it. He had been knitting together a precious baby girl in another woman's womb for ME!

Since then we have written back and forth with the birthmother, I have been able to thank her for her unselfish act of love. She has been able to tell Tyley Sue about herself and her biological father. I am saving all of the letters for Tyley to look at one day when she is ready. We have been to doctors appointments, and our friends and family have had 4 baby showers for us! We have been so blessed with great friends and family who have showered us with more than we need for Tyley Sue. It has been an amazing 3 months. Tyley weight 7lb. 2oz. and was 19 inches long when she was born on June 3, 2011. Her last weight at the doctor about 2 weeks ago was 9 lb. 15 oz. and 22 inches long. She is now cooing, and smiling a lot. She has a cute little personality starting to develop. She is my little blessing. Her daddy's little girl. She couldn't be more perfect!!