Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Homestudy Time!

On January 24, 2011, I got the call that all of our clearances were completed and we were finally ready for our homestudy! I kind of feel like it's a positive pregnancy test :) Tyler and I are super excited, and surprisingly I'm really not that nervous about it all. Our social workers seems very nice and she put me at ease about this entire thing. I am excited to get to sit down and talk with her, I feel like I have so much to learn about the things we will be going through in the upcoming months. This is such an exciting time for us and I just feel so blessed right now!! I am praying that God will continue to guide us and show us the path He has for us. I had been praying that things would move right along in His time and not mine. With tyring to sell our home and do our homestudy I had been a little nervous about the timing of this all and if it would all work out, but I know that God has his hands on this all and it will work out just the way he has planned for us. I had just said to a co-worker about an hour before the call that "I wish Agape would call and tell me all my clearances were done and that they are ready to do my homestudy" and much to my surprise she did call and tell me exactly that! Our homestudy is scheduled for Monday, January 31. I can't wait to keep moving along and getting closer and closer to our baby!!!